Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today it was a little hard to get back to work after such a wonderful three day weekend. I thought about painting outside but after sitting on the deck for fifteen minutes I decided it was way to hot. I left my easel in my air conditioned studio and set up my palette.

I painted over an old painting which just wasn't working. I wanted to play with the colors and I tried out different combinations. I stepped back frequently to see if the color blends were working together. I started with my paint brush and then alternated between my brush and the palette knife. In places I blended with the brush and other places I let the palette knife scrape gently over the first layers of paint covering parts of it.

On this abstract I experimented using smaller sections of brighter colors. Seeing if I liked how the colors related to their neighbor. This abstract gives me the feeling of a bright spring morning. I felt cheery and light hearted and would have loved to take a walk there. I love to create paintings that uplift my spirit. I feel I have accomplished this in this painting. Are you thinking along the same lines as I am? How does it make you feel?

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